Love & Power - 2022 Our theme for the year.
Love and Personal Power. Strong concepts. When was the last time you sat down and reviewed your relationship with love & personal power?
As we move through life our values, priorities and beliefs change, consciously and unconsciously. Our environment and experiences shape us. Is it time for you to press pause? Put a pin in these issues and reframe, refocus and redefine love and personal power for you. Empowering yourself and feeling good instead of staying in your same patterns. If you have healthy patterns then, no need to change. However if you feel a sense of disconnect, a sense of disquiet that something in your inner world isn’t in alignment, then hold five we are developing a creative online course for you to explore in the comfort of your own home.
Drawing on the latest in psychology, coaching, metaphysical, and neuroscience and doing the work ourselves, this is the focus for 2022 for us. Love and Power. You’ll see it resonated throughout our work, our free community meditations, in our one on on sessions, and even the exciting Mindful Parents, Connected Children sessions we are doing with Katie from Happiness Yoga. It all focused on exploring how do we empower, love and power ourselves in alignment with our deepest needs and core values. This is big stuff and you’ll see a lot more coming through on the blog.
Our aim with the online workshop is to create an avenue for you to give yourself time to gently explore the concepts of love, and personal power, breaking them down into separate components through a series of self-development guided creative exploration and meditation sessions.
This is heartfelt legacy work for us. We were intially planning on running sessions face to face in small number workshops. However we received some powerful honest feedback from a friend about how she would love to do this work however face - to - face would be too triggering for her and would add to her trauma. How great is it when someone speaks their truth. Such an honour, and a blessing. So we thought ok let’s break the components down into chunks. That you can do when you are ready, and you can go back and forwards as you need to, in your time.
And so our day workshop morphs into an online course. When will it be ready. Maybe towards the end of the year? Maybe earlier. If you’d like to go on the mailing list and be notified when we are launching the online course please subscribe here.
Our aim, remains as always to help you support and nurture yourself as we create a sacred space using crystal singing bowls in nature. If you’ve never heard the angelic soul-awakening vibrations of crystal singing bowls you are in for a treat. In life it’s so important to have regular rests and recharges. Our crystal singing bowl meditations give you an opportunity to pause, allow the sounds wash over you, helping you to recalibrate and rejuvenate on all levels.
Our intention is for the online course on Love & Power is for you to have explored your values, beliefs, desires, needs and boundaries around love, self love, power, personal power, agency etc and you will have created your own intentions and supportive tools for yourself. It’s important to go at your own pace always, so you leave feeling uplifted and empowered. You have immense value just as you are. We see you, we hear you and we hold the space for you through our work at Sacred Sounds.
We encourage you to tune into our meditations, in person or online. Resting, recharging, listening and blissing out, it may be the most powerful thing you do for yourself all year.